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How to set the size of the background image in HTML?

The HTML DOM style background-size property is used to set or get the size of background image. = "auto|length|cover|contain|intial|inherit" The background image displays at full size and it is the default value. For setting the width and height of the background image.

How do I make a background image smaller?

you need to split the background image into 2 parts so you can control them individually. Use the word DEVOUR as a regular image and set the max width on the container to limit the width (which you already did I just changed it from 1500px to 1000px) then use a background image on the .main-section so that the fire is always behind the word DEVOUR.

How big should a container background image be?

It’s always a balance between image file size and pixel size, and so a typical approach is when uploading a container background image on a 100% width template, is to ensure the image is at least 2000px in width, so the upscaling is kept to a minimum.

How to scale an image up in the background?

On the other end of the spectrum, you can scale an image up in the background. Here we scale a 32x32 pixel favicon to 300x300 pixels: As you can see, the CSS is actually essentially identical, save the name of the image file. Besides values, the background-size CSS property offers two special size values, contain and cover.

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